Hydrocodone Withdrawal

Hydrocodone Withdrawal

Hydrocodone is an opioid analgesic (painkiller) that is included in the formulation of many narcotic prescription painkillers, such as Vicodin and Lortab. More About Hydrocodone These narcotics are most often prescribed to control moderate to severe pain. Like many...
What is Drug Poisoning?

What is Drug Poisoning?

What is drug poisoning? Drug poisoning happens when the body cannot absorb the amount of drug ingested. Drug overdose can occur accidentally or intentionally. Either way, the result can be fatal. Drug poisoning happens with prescription medications, over-the-counter...
Is Marijuana Addictive?

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Chronic marijuana use is commonly labeled as marijuana use disorder. Like most drugs, including alcohol, the use of marijuana and its addictive potential begin with the brain. Large amounts and chronic use of marijuana have a direct effect on neurotransmitters in the...
Identifying Addiction Triggers

Identifying Addiction Triggers

Recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is a process that takes time, effort, and commitment. Once a person has decided that they want to make a real change and quit using and abusing substances, certain actions have to be taken. Inpatient rehabs often play a...
Why are Drugs so Addicting?

Why are Drugs so Addicting?

The question, “Why are drugs so addicting?”, doesn’t have a simple answer. The way the brain reacts when a drug is taken into the body is key. Additionally, some drugs are more addictive physiologically, meaning our bodies become dependent, while others...